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Fees & Insurance

Therapy & Psychological Testing:

Dr. Haxter is an authorized out-of-network provider with TriCare. For all other health insurance plans, he is considered to be an out-of-network provider. As a courtesy, he submits claims to your insurance company for all reimbursable services. Claims are then applied to your out-of-network deductible and any possible reimbursement is paid directly to you, based on your specific plan's out-of-network benefits. Please call your insurance company before our first appointment to determine if you need a referral and to check your plan's out-of-network benefits. Payment is collected at the time of service.

Forensic Evaluation:

Health insurance companies do not cover the cost of forensic evaluation. Fees are determined on a case-by-case basis and generally range between $3500-$5000. Fees depend upon a number of variables, including: the need for psychological testing, the amount of travel required, the number of records to review & the complexity of the referral question. There is an additional fee for testimony, if required. All fees are due before the date of the evaluation and are paid through the attorney or referring agency.

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